Does ChatGPT Get Fiction? A Tale of Jon Snow

The newest trend of AI-generated content is not a trend at all but a peak into the future for all creative pursuits moving forward. The most popular and possibly the most complete AI language at the time of this post, ChatGPT, has the capacity to generate answers to questions, create code, write email copy, and much more but my focus for this post is its capacity to generate narratives with its shortcomings. Sometimes the stories are decently written in the stylings that are prompted. With ChatGPTs memory the stories can continue on. However, often large details are incorrect giving some entertaining responses. Let’s dig a little with some of my prompts so we can pick apart how well AI does at the tasks below.

I for one, am a fan of HBO’s Game of Thrones. If you are still worried about spoilers at this time move on or click this link for another ChatGPT article. Although everyone including me was disappointed in the last season, or everything past season 5, I always wondered about what would have happened to Jon Snow. So I decided to put ChatGPT to the test. The language model surely can’t fail as badly as the plethora of writers continuing the works of George RR Martin, right?

To get things started let’s start with a prompt to remind ChatGPT what happened at the end of Game of Thrones:

At the very end of Game of Thrones, describe what happens to Jon Snow.

At the end of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow is sent to the Night’s Watch once again as punishment for killing Daenerys Targaryen, despite his role in saving the Seven Kingdoms from the Army of the Dead. He says goodbye to his siblings and close friends, including Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, and Samwell Tarly, before departing north of the Wall with Tormund Giantsbane and a group of Wildlings. As they ride beyond the Wall, the remaining Starks and their allies begin to rebuild and move forward, while Jon Snow’s ultimate fate is left ambiguous.

A decent description of Jon’s closing scenes. So let’s move on to the next prompt. I tried things like “continue the story” but that doesn’t seem to work after a description like this. I figured out that adding “write a story about…” is a good way to start.

Write a story about what happens next to Jon Snow.

After departing with Tormund Giantsbane and the Wildlings beyond the Wall, Jon Snow was once again a man of the Night’s Watch. However, this time it was different. He was no longer the same wide-eyed boy who had first arrived at Castle Black all those years ago. He was now a seasoned warrior and had seen and done things that most men could only dream of.

At first, Jon struggled to adjust to life at the Wall again. He found himself constantly haunted by memories of his past and of his former love, Daenerys Targaryen. He missed his friends and family in the South, but he knew that he could never go back.

Over time, however, Jon began to find his place once again. He forged new friendships with the men of the Night’s Watch and spent his days training and patrolling the Wall. He even found himself falling in love with a Wildling woman named Ygritte, who had been traveling with Tormund and his group.

Jon and Ygritte’s love was not without its challenges, as many of the Night’s Watch were not accepting of a relationship between a Wildling and one of their own. However, Jon was determined to be with Ygritte, and he eventually won over his fellow brothers with his bravery and leadership.

As the years passed, Jon Snow became a respected leader of the Night’s Watch, and he and Ygritte had several children together. He continued to defend the Wall against threats both big and small, but he also recognized the importance of making peace with the Wildlings.

Under Jon’s leadership, the Night’s Watch forged alliances with the Wildlings and began to work together to defend against a common enemy: the White Walkers. Together, they were able to repel an attack by the undead army and save the Seven Kingdoms once again.

In the end, Jon Snow lived a long and fulfilling life, leading the Night’s Watch with honor and courage until his dying day. His memory lived on, and his legacy was remembered for generations to come as a hero who helped unite the Seven Kingdoms and defend them against all odds.

For anyone that has seen the series, so much has gone wrong here. ChatGPT pulled out characters that were dead, barely acknowledged that Night’s Watch men don’t marry, and not to mention that the White Walkers are gone. So my next prompt worked to fix this problem.

There seem to be several mistakes here. Wasn’t Ygritte long dead? Weren’t the white walkers irradicated? Aren’t the night’s watch not allowed to marry and have kids?

You’re right, I apologize for the errors in my previous response. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, but I strive to provide accurate and reliable information to the best of my abilities based on the knowledge available to me.

In the Game of Thrones television series, Ygritte was killed during the Battle of Castle Black, and the White Walkers were ultimately defeated during the Battle of Winterfell. Additionally, members of the Night’s Watch are traditionally expected to abstain from marriage and children in order to remain dedicated to their duties.

I apologize for any confusion my previous response may have caused, and I will strive to be more accurate in my future responses. Please feel free to ask me any further questions or clarifications.

Impressively, ChatGPT understands its mistake. Let’s give this another shot.

Without the errors, rewrite a story about what happens to Jon Snow after the storyline ends in the TV series.

After Jon Snow was sent back to the Night’s Watch as punishment for killing Daenerys Targaryen, he said farewell to his loved ones and departed for Castle Black once again. He found himself back in familiar surroundings, but he was a changed man, burdened by the weight of his actions and the pain of losing so many people he cared about.

Jon threw himself into his duties at the Night’s Watch, patrolling the Wall and defending the realm against threats both human and supernatural. He became a respected leader among his fellow brothers and earned their trust and admiration through his bravery and dedication.

As the years passed, Jon’s reputation grew, and he became known throughout the Seven Kingdoms as a hero who had helped save humanity from the White Walkers. He maintained a humble demeanor, however, and continued to serve the Night’s Watch with honor and integrity.

In time, a new threat emerged beyond the Wall, as a group of Wildlings led by Tormund Giantsbane discovered evidence of a new Night King rising. Jon knew that he had to act quickly, and he rallied the Night’s Watch and the remaining forces of the Seven Kingdoms to join forces with the Wildlings and defend the realm once again.

The battle was fierce and brutal, but in the end, Jon and his allies were able to triumph over the new Night King and his army of undead. The Seven Kingdoms were saved yet again, and Jon’s heroism was celebrated throughout the realm.

In the aftermath of the battle, Jon realized that he could not continue to serve as Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. His duty to the realm had been fulfilled, and he knew that he needed to find a new purpose in life.

With the support of his friends and family, Jon made the decision to venture beyond the Wall and explore the unknown lands that lay beyond. He bid farewell to his brothers in the Night’s Watch and set out on a new adventure, eager to discover what new challenges and opportunities awaited him in the vast wilderness beyond the realm of men.

Again, more mistakes! Tormund and Jon were already allies riding off together at the end. I didn’t like the new Night King story either. I had to prompt ChatGPT to fix some of these problems. I won’t include all of them here, because you get the point. After ChatGPT and I settled our dispute, this is what happened.

With all the considerations of my previous prompts, now rewrite the story again.

After Jon Snow was sent back to the Night’s Watch as punishment for killing Daenerys Targaryen, he said farewell to his loved ones and departed for Castle Black once again. He found himself back in familiar surroundings, but he was a changed man, burdened by the weight of his actions and the pain of losing so many people he cared about.

Jon threw himself into his duties at the Night’s Watch, patrolling the Wall and defending the realm against threats both human and supernatural. He became a respected leader among his fellow brothers and earned their trust and admiration through his bravery and dedication.

As the years passed, Jon’s reputation grew, and he became known throughout the Seven Kingdoms as a hero who had helped save humanity from the White Walkers. While he remained committed to the Night’s Watch, he also worked to foster alliances with other leaders, including the Wildling chief Tormund Giantsbane.

Together, Jon and Tormund led efforts to rebuild the Free Folk’s villages and establish trade relations between their people and the Seven Kingdoms. They also collaborated on efforts to keep the peace between the Night’s Watch and the Wildlings, working to bridge the cultural divide between their two communities.

As Jon grew older, he came to realize that his time at the Night’s Watch was coming to an end. With the realm at peace, and the threat of the White Walkers seemingly eradicated, he knew that he needed to find a new purpose in life.

With Tormund’s support, Jon made the decision to venture beyond the Wall and explore the unknown lands that lay beyond. He bid farewell to his brothers in the Night’s Watch and set out on a new adventure, eager to discover what new challenges and opportunities awaited him in the vast wilderness beyond the realm of men.

As Jon and Tormund rode north, they were joined by a small band of Wildlings who had become his friends over the years. Together, they journeyed into the unknown, their hearts filled with hope and the promise of a new future.

Finally, we have an introduction to a new chapter of Jon’s story. The writing isn’t great but it’s sufficient to satisfy a fan’s curiosity as to what could happen next. Here is the rest of it, with the only prompt as “Continue the story.”

Continue the story.

For many months, Jon Snow and his companions traveled through the uncharted lands beyond the Wall. They encountered fierce beasts and treacherous terrain, but they also discovered new wonders and mysteries that had been hidden from the rest of the world for centuries.

As they traveled, Jon and Tormund continued to deepen their friendship and mutual respect. They discussed the challenges facing their people and dreamed of a future in which the Night’s Watch and the Free Folk could coexist in peace and prosperity.

One day, as they were exploring a rugged mountain range, Jon and his companions stumbled upon an ancient castle that had been built into the side of a towering peak. The castle was in ruins, but they could sense that it had once been a place of great power and importance.

As they explored the ruins, Jon discovered a hidden chamber filled with ancient texts and artifacts. He spent many long hours poring over the old tomes, seeking clues to the castle’s history and the secrets of the lands beyond the Wall.

One night, as Jon was deep in thought, he was visited by a mysterious figure in a hooded cloak. The figure spoke in a strange language that Jon did not understand, but he sensed that the visitor was friendly and benevolent.

Over time, Jon came to realize that the figure was a member of an ancient order of mystics who had long protected the secrets of the land beyond the Wall. He learned much from the mystic, including the true history of the White Walkers and the forces that had shaped the world since the dawn of time.

With this newfound knowledge, Jon realized that his true destiny lay beyond the Wall. He said farewell to his friends and companions and set out on a new journey, determined to uncover the secrets of the land and to serve as a protector of its people.

As Jon traveled deeper into the unknown, he encountered new dangers and mysteries at every turn. But he faced them with the same courage and determination that had made him a hero of the Seven Kingdoms. And in the end, he knew that he had found his true home among the wild and rugged lands beyond the Wall.

Continue the story.

As Jon Snow journeyed deeper into the unknown lands beyond the Wall, he encountered new allies and enemies, faced new challenges and obstacles, and discovered new wonders and secrets.

He met tribes of people who had never before been seen by anyone from the Seven Kingdoms, and he worked to build relationships with them, learning their customs and ways of life, and seeking to establish trade and cultural exchange between their people and the rest of the world.

He battled fierce beasts and fought off raiding parties of hostile tribes, but he also discovered hidden temples and ancient ruins that held powerful magic and knowledge.

Through his travels, Jon Snow came to understand that the land beyond the Wall was a place of incredible beauty and danger, of darkness and light, of hope and despair. He saw that the forces of good and evil were constantly at war in this land, and that it was up to him to help tip the balance in favor of the light.

With this mission in mind, Jon continued to journey across the land, fighting for justice and righteousness, and seeking to protect the people of the land from those who would seek to do them harm.

In time, Jon Snow became known as a legendary figure, a hero who had traveled the world and accomplished great deeds. His name was spoken with reverence and awe, and his exploits were recounted in songs and stories throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

And though he had left the Night’s Watch and the world of men behind, he knew that his true purpose lay in the wild and untamed lands beyond the Wall, where he would continue to fight for what was right and just, and where he would find the true meaning of his life.

Continue the story.

Despite the many dangers he faced, Jon Snow continued to journey through the land beyond the Wall, seeking to uncover the secrets of the ancient civilizations that had once inhabited the land, and to forge alliances with the various tribes and communities that called the region home.

As he traveled, Jon also continued to hone his skills as a warrior, becoming a master of both sword and bow, and using his knowledge of the land and its people to outsmart his enemies and prevail in battle.

At times, Jon would encounter the remnants of the White Walkers, who had once posed a grave threat to the people of the Seven Kingdoms. Though they had been eradicated by the end of the TV series, Jon knew that there were still pockets of the undead that roamed the land, and he worked tirelessly to eliminate these threats and ensure that the people of the land remained safe.

In his travels, Jon also encountered other mystics and wise men, who shared their knowledge and wisdom with him, and taught him the ways of the land beyond the Wall. Jon was a quick learner, and he absorbed their teachings with great enthusiasm, eager to continue his quest for knowledge and understanding.

Through his travels, Jon came to understand that the people of the land beyond the Wall were not so different from the people of the Seven Kingdoms. They too had their own dreams, hopes, and struggles, and they too wanted to live in peace and prosperity.

As he journeyed deeper into the land beyond the Wall, Jon Snow began to see himself not just as a warrior, but as a diplomat and a peacemaker. He worked tirelessly to forge alliances and establish trade routes between the various tribes and communities, and he worked to ensure that the people of the land had access to the resources and support they needed to thrive.

In the end, Jon Snow became known as more than just a hero and a warrior. He became known as a true leader, one who had dedicated his life to the protection and well-being of the people of the land beyond the Wall. His legacy lived on long after his passing, inspiring new generations of adventurers and explorers to seek out the mysteries and wonders of the land beyond the Wall.

So there we have it. A look into the creative mind of ChatGPT. Although the story is vague and filled with holes, it brings an entertaining set of premises. Beyond the problems, what this AI model is doing is massively impressive. If version 3.0 of GPT can produce storytelling to this degree, I can only imagine what version 5 or 6 will bring. Are we looking at a future in that every literature reward will be given to cutting-edge language models? I honestly think not, but let’s save that idea for another discussion. In the meantime, ChatGPT is an incredibly fun way to creatively read and write fan fiction of your liking.